SMAFE-BLT (Sriracha Mayo Avocado Fried Egg BLT)

This sandwich adds several unctuous ingredients. Just enough wrong to be oh so right. True Chabernet style.

Law and Lentils

Guys.  This is serious.  Really, really serious.  You can stop searching for the perfect sandwich, because I’ve found it.

  Crying at the beauty of this thing. Ok not literally, but I haven’t had lunch yet so the odds of tears are sort of a toss-up.

Last week, I was really craving a BLT for some reason.  Which is really quite strange, because I’m pretty sure I’ve had a BLT once in my entire life.  But I had bacon I needed to get rid of (ha) and everybody likes them so much and I wanted in.  Except I cannot STAND mayonnaise on sandwiches.  And mostly you can just omit it and be fine, but everybody keeps telling me mayo is an integral part of the BLT’s flavor and it’s not a real one without it.  What’s a mayo-hating girl to do?  Ohhhhh I don’t know, add Sriracha and make it amazing?…

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